Sunday Worship

10.00 - 11.00 am

Hurstville New Church
24 Dudley Street
Penshurst NSW 2222



Visitor Guide

What do I do once I arrive?


As you approach the main church entrance there will be someone to greet you. Often we socialize outside of the church or in the foyer beforehand as once we enter the sanctuary we try to keep a quiet sphere just before the service to allow people to sit in peace.

Enter the Sanctuary:

A few minutes before the service, special music will begin playing in the sanctuary and people will take their seats. As you enter the sanctuary, an usher will hand you an order of service describing the details of that day’s worship service.

What Is a Typical Worship Service?

A Blended Format:

We have a wide span of ages and tastes in our congregation, and have blended traditional and contemporary styles of worship and music so that all may feel welcome and comfortable in our services. It is very important to us that families have the opportunity to worship together. Our service includes family worship with a talk for children followed by a talk for adults. During the adult talk, children up through year 8 are invited to attend Nursery or Sunday School.


Immediately after you enter the sanctuary, you will see a small table to your right with an offertory bowl. We do not “pass the plate.” If you wish to make a free-will offering, place it in the bowl before you find your seat.


There is no pre-established seating order. Sit wherever you are comfortable.

Service Format:

You will notice that everyone is quiet in order to allow for a sense of peace and reflection. Please be sure to turn off mobile phones and pagers.

Family Worship:
  • Prelude music
  • Sing an opening song together
  • The minister opens the Bible
  • All kneel and say the Lord’s Prayer together
  • All rise and read a piece of scripture together
  • Children’s talk
  • Sing a song together
  • Sunday School - children up through year 8 exit the sanctuary (see details, below)
Adult Worship:
  • Adult talk
  • Sing a song together
  • Prayer
  • Postlude music (exit the sanctuary or stay for quiet reflection)
For a sample of one of our adult messages, click here.

After the Service:

After the service, adults collect their children from Sunday School and gather in the adjacent building for refreshments, visiting and any announcements. The Hurstville New Christian Church group is a friendly bunch and would enjoy saying hello.

What Do My Kids Do?

Family Worship: You and your children will have the opportunity to worship together during the first portion of the service. Early in the service the minister will invite any children who wish to come forward and sit up front with him while he recounts a story from the Bible. Parents of younger kids often come up with them. If your child is more comfortable remaining in the pew with you, that is fine, too. After the children’s talk, the children will return to their seats. Shortly afterward we will sing a song together, after which children may exit to the Sunday School classroom during a musical interlude. Quiet infants and children are welcome to remain with their parents in the sanctuary if Nursery or Sunday School feels too frightening. Following the interlude, the adult portion of the service will begin.

Nursing Mothers and Infants: If you are a nursing mother or have little ones who are having a hard time being quiet (most parents have been there!), please feel free to make use of "Baringa", the building adjacent to the church at 22 Dudley Street. Exit the church, use the main entrance to #22 and sit wherever you are comfortable. There are toys for young children in the Sunday School classroom at the rear of the building.

Sunday School (Nursery through year 8): Sunday school classes are run by a wonderful team of volunteers and are held in "Baringa", the building adjacent to the church at 22 Dudley Street. As you exit the church, an usher or greeter will be happy to direct you, or you can follow the crowd of people heading over to Sunday School. If you have little ones and would prefer not to leave them, you are certainly welcome to participate in Sunday School activities. Please be certain to personally deliver your child(ren) to Sunday School and pick them up from the classroom after the adult service is finished. Our volunteers want to provide a place where children can learn more about God’s Word in a caring environment, meet other kids and enjoy fun activities together.

What Do People Wear to Church?

People wear whatever they feel comfortable in, so we have a broad spectrum. Some wear jeans, others prefer to dress up. Wear what you like to wear, and you will probably see someone else dressed similarly.

